Mitchell Robert Pallotta born July 23, 2003 2:49 p.m., 6 pounds 19 inches


Such a good sleeper!

Happy Baby!

Happy Halloweenie!

Mitchell's First Bath

Comfy in his coat!

Ohio's Littlest Buckeye!

Yep, he's a red head!

Pacifier, Binkie, Chu-Chu, Soother - All the same!

Tasha is now a second class citizen!

Giving a Puppet Show!

He scratched himself but good!

The Gloworm from Great Grandma Lehla

Mom says these are letters but what are letters?

The Great Pun'kin of 2003

I am dreaming about Irish dancing...

Doggie PJ's from Grandma Judy

Look you guys, two hands!

Yes Virginia, there IS a Santa Claus

Up close and personal

Go Browns! Starting him early.

The game went into overtime!

I love footy pajamas - don't you?

You talkin' to me?

The porch is ready for Trick or Treat